Inside Your Toolbox: Dry Needling

There are many different tools that therapists can implement when treating a patient. Each and every one of these tools are unique in their own way. Is dry needling one of those effective tools to use? 

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Practice What You Preach: A Case Study on My Self-Management of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

As physical therapists and physical therapy students, we often encounter injuries of our own. Since we are skilled in addressing and treating these injuries on others, should we hold off on applying these same skills on ourselves?

Here are my personal experiences with thoracic outlet syndrome and how I intend to treat myself.

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Inside Your Toolbox: Parkinson’s and LSVT-BIG

Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that is increasing in prevalence as our population gets older. A clinical consequence of this condition is decreased amplitude of movement - hypokinesia.

Is high amplitude exercise training via the LSVT-BIG program the answer for these patients?

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Clinical Prediction Rules: Where Do They Fit in Our Clinical Practice?

Every student or novice clinician wants to become a skilled and proficient clinician but sometimes finds it difficult to figure out which methods work best for a specific diagnosis. With a variety of different techniques taught in school and diversity of topics offered in CEU courses, it can be challenging to determine the right approach for each patient… Are clinical prediction rules (CPRs) the solution?

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